'Log of code changes to Kinetics2015 program 'Version 6195 --- 10/15/2022 'Final corrections for menu mnuModels 'Version 6194 --- 9/1/2022 'Correction for single reaction for Parallel Nucleation-Growth and Gaussian Model 'Version 6193 --- 8/15/2022 'Revert to no unreactive amount in Parallel Nucleation-Growth and Gaussian Model 'as done in Version 6.180 'Version 6192 --- 7/12/2022 'Allow unreactive amount in Parallel Nucleation-Growth and Gaussian Model 'Version 6191 --- 7/9/2022 'Allow unreactive amount in Parallel Nucleation-Growth and Gaussian Model 'Version 6180 --- 6/26/2022 'Extend Parallel Nucleation-Growth and Gaussian Model to Four Reactions. 'Version 6170 --- 5/18/2021 'Correct register and destroy modules to remove dialogue reference to PMod. 'Version 6160 --- 4/29/2021 'Important correction for checking each data file for Time units in line2 'Version 6150 --- 5/26/2020 'Correct method for checking each data file for Time units in line2. 'Improve method for selecting or creating Analysis command file. 'Version 6.140 --- 5/9/2020 'Check each data file for Time units in line 2. 'Allow editing of data files in Setup for Analysis mode. 'Version 6130 --- 4/11/2018 'Change Data module so that data file in Graph routine is restored to it's 'original state after the initial determination of the data type, which sometimes 'required an integration and differentiation of the data, which had noticeable 'effect only on very small data files. 'Version 6120 --- 12/10/2016 'Correct bug in Parallel Nucleation-Growth Gaussian model for case of a single reaction 'Version 6110 --- 10/17/2016 'For release to users. 'Optional superposition of individual reactions for some models that use 2 or 3 reactions. 'Model: 2 (nth-order), 4 (gaussian), 5 (weibull), 6 (nucleation-growth & gaussian). 'Version 6100 --- 8/13/2016 'Version to be released to current and new owners of Kinetics2015 license. 'Version 6028 --- 8/8/2016 'Use new method of making E-distribution for Gaussian models in Kinetics2015-Fortran-6028, 'using more points for low sigma (minimum of 5 points and maximum of 49 points, always odd. 'Change some of the model names. 'Revised model descriptions for Discrete E-distribution and Parallel Nucleation-Growth and Gaussian 'Version 6027 --- 6/26/2016 'Use new parallel Gaussian and Nucleation Growth model 6 corrected in Kinetics2015-Fortran-6027 'Corrects rate calculation for sigma > 0, reaction order not equal 1, and growth parameter not equal 0. 'Both Models 4 and 6 were corrected to set delte = 1 kcal/mol, independent of reaction order. 'Version 6026 --- 6/14/2016 'Use new parallel Gaussian and Nucleation Growth model made in Kinetics2015-Fortran-6026 'Version 6025 --- 6/1/2016 'Modify Nucleation-Growth model to Nucleation-Growth and Optional Gaussian model 'Version 6021 --- 9/25/2015 'Remove the Transfer option in the Help menu, since it was too confusing. 'Retain the Destroy and Register options in the Help menu, since they are clear. 'Version 6020 --- 6/14/2015 'Change max number of data in a single file from 32000 to 32766 'Use Kinetics.exe Version 6.0200 'Version 6019 --- 1/27/2015 'Change Region.rtf for better instructions in using U.S. mathematical format 'Correction: dim jdat as long, instead of dim jdat as integer 'Correction: dim ndatakin as long, instead of dim ndatakin as integer 'Correction: dim intDataMax as long, instead of dim intDataMax as integer 'Version 6018 --- 1/10/2015 'Cosmetic changes 'Version 6017 --- 1/8/2015 'Edit Help files 'Version 6016 --- 12/29/2014 'Correct references in MasterPlots.rtf. 'Re-order the Models menu 'Version 6015 --- 12/19/2014 'Multiply Xmax by 1.002 to calculate the Xmax axis location in order to show points at Xmax. 'Fix Apply mode to go directly to plot after setup is finished. 'Update all RTF information files. 'Include MasterPlots information file. 'Version 6014 --- 12/6/2014 'Avoid division by zero error in MasterPlots. 'Correct Setlim function to avoid changing ndata in the Data module. 'Correct Plotdata subroutine to avoid showing rate data when data are originally cumulative. 'Unload frmPlotdata in Data module, when Select data file is clicked. 'Increase CommonDialog1.MaxFileSize = 32000 for multiple input data file selection. 'Correct Graph.frm to maintain Ymin and Ymax when only Xaxis is changed. 'Correct data files 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 correctly (they were nono-existent). 'Version 6013 --- 11/5/2014 'Remove all references to Armadillo protection 'Version 6012 --- 10/28/2014 'Correct Fields command in Display form when Relative T80%-T20% is to be displayed. 'Place larger black dot in corner, when Relative T80%-T20% is not in range of plot. 'Start editing some of the rtf help files. 'Version 6011 --- 10/11/2014 'Correct Guidance command in data inspection window to show complete Masterplots frame. 'Version 6010 --- 10/8/2014 'New graphs of Relative FWHH and Relative T80%-T20% to show data points 'from the kinetic output file. 'Version 6009 --- 9/24/2014 'Implement isothemal and constant heating rate Masterplots in Analysis mode. 'Correct usage of -999 data entries in the Data mode. These were new errors, not in Kinetics05. 'Version 6008 --- 9/21/2014 'Correct the Generalized normalized reaction rate plots to use the user-changed E for the 'generalized data calculation. Also correct to Y-max to be based on the data as well as the 'masterplot curves, with a maximum Y-max of 4. ' 'Version 6007 --- 9/20/2014 'Change axis labels and correct the Generalized reduced reaction rate plot in the Analysis mode. 'Improve recognition of data type in Data mode. 'Version 6006 --- 9/18/2014 'Improve Master Plots 'Version 6005 --- 9/16/2014 'Change number of data points for Apply mode back to the original value of 201 'Version 6004 --- 9/15/2014 'Increase the number of colors to 10 (including black) 'Improve Master Plots for Analysis mode 'Version 6003 --- 9/13/2014 'Fix plot of Absolute reaction rates after plot of E-distribution 'Fix label of frequency factor on plot of E-distribution 'Start programming Master Plots for Analysis mode 'Version 6002 --- 9/9/2014 'Fix x = log(time) when time = zero 'Fix Master Plot bugs in Data mode 'Version 6001 --- 9/7/2014 'Fix Print to Printer command 'Fix Print to JPG file command 'Enable printing in Eplot and Plotdata forms 'Version 6000 --- 8/31/2014 'Change name from Kinetics05 to Kinetics2015, 'Start using ComponentOne Chart8 instead of Olectra Chart5 (the latter is not useable with 64bit Win 7). 'Correct bug in Apply mode for nucleation growth model to read initiation parameter from previous output file. 'Correct colors to avoid transparent color. Only 6 different colors are used. 'Incorporate plots in data inspection window to help guide later selection of Kinetics analysis methods. 'Revise Sequential Gaussian and Nucleation-Growth model to allow only the first ' reaction and to use the initiation parameter q. This will permit the use of this ' model for integrating dx/dt = A * e**(E/RT) * x**n * (1-qx)**m. Note: E can be ' a single E or a Gaussian distribution. This will work only when the kinetics.con ' file is made manually to include the q parameter for use in generating the Master ' Plot curves for guidance in model selection. 'Implement plots in Analysis mode to use log(time) as the x-axis.